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대학소개 협력기관 대학



대만국립연합대학은 1972년 개교하였으며, 공동 공업대학 설립에 이어
연합 공상전문학교, 국립공상전문학교, 국립합동기술대학을 거쳐 현재의 국립연합대학이 되었습니다.
고등교육시스템의 4년제 정규대학이면서 대만 국가교육정책과 밀접하게 연계되어 있습니다.

고려사이버대학교와 대만국립연합대학은 교원 및 학생 간 학문 발전과 교류를 위한
각종 프로그램을 추진하고자 학술교류협정을 체결하였습니다.



MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGBETWEEN THE CYBER UNIVERSITY OF KOREAAND NATIONAL UNITED UNIVERSITYThe Cyber University of Korca, Scoul, South Korea and National United University, Mizoli,lawal, actoy ace o ust ac ce ai coopanon col ui thoinstitutions.SCOPE OF COOPERATIONSubect to mutual consent, the areas of cooperation will include any proeram ollered byeither institution as tolt dourable and lessible on either stue and that contatic to lookenna and development of the cooperative relationship between the two institutions.Cooperation may be carried out through such activities as:• Exchange of faculty and/or staff;• Exchange of graduate and/or undergraduate students; |• Exchange of scientific matersals, publications, and information;• Joint conterences and academie prognims:• Joint research activities and publications.These activities are to be carried out after mutual consultation between the twoinstitutions or the divisions concemed thereof.Normally each institution will sign a letter ofagreement setting out the responsibilities of each institution for the agreed activity and such other matters as the institutions agree are necessary for the eflicient achievement of the activity.ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITYThe Dept. of Practical Foreign Language at The Cyber University of Korea and the Division of Research and Development at National United University shall serve as coordinators of this agreement at their respoctive institutions. Notification of any change inAMENDMENTS, RENEWAL, AND TERMINATIONThis Memorandum of Understanding may be modified through the mutual discussionand consent of the two institutions, and shall remain in effect from the date of signature for an initial period of four years. Thereafter it shall be automatically renewed each year; however. after the initial period either institution may terminate the agreement by giving a written notice of such intent six months in advance.In witness of the terms of this agreement our signatures are affixed:The Cyber University of KoreaD. fin Sur Kiy la:PresidentNational United Universitywoai-shyan deeDr. Woei-Shyan locPresidentDate12-18, 20232-18-2023/Date